Monday, May 26, 2014

Boy reading photo edited on Tuxpi

Lost by Tim Pierce (CC BY)
I love this picture of a little boy reading by himself in a bookstore, and then when I looked at more information about it, I found out it was taken at Brookline Booksmith, which was one of the bookstores I frequented when I lived in Boston.  It is an amazing independent bookstore that offers lots of awesome events.

I modified the photo to make the boy the focus of the picture, and the bookstore stretching out around him.  I used the online photo editor.  This site is a way to add fun effects to photos.  This could be fun for a scrapbooking type of assignment or to add interest to photos in presentations.


  1. Hi Tara, this is really cool. I may be missing it but could you include where you found the photo (a url) in the citation.

  2. I included the link to the Flickr original and the artist under the photo. Should I add the url as well?

  3. From the infographic, I think hyperlinking is what we needed to do. I did the same thing. I'm still confused over the attributions!
